Marginal and Average Cost

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import pandas as pd
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

7.3. Marginal and Average Cost#

Derivative Rules

Given a function \(y=f(x)\), the derivative \(f'(x)\) evaluated at \(x=a\) gives the slope of the tangent to the graph of \(y=f(x)\) at the point \((a,f(a))\).

There are rules to quickly finding the derivative of polynomials and functions with powers.

If \(f(x)=mx+b\), then \(f'(x)=m.\)

If \(f(x)=kx^n,\) then \(f'(x)=knx^{n-1}.\)

If \(f(x)=a_0+a_1x+a_2x^2+a_3x^3\), then \(f'(x)=a_1+2a_2x + 3a_3 x^2\).

(Note that the derivative of the constant term by itself is 0. The same pattern continues for higher powers).

EXAMPLE: If \(f(x)=2x^3 -5x^2+2x + 10\), then \(f'(x)=6x^2-10x+2.\)

EXAMPLE: If \(f(x)=\frac{2}{\sqrt{x}}=2x^{-.5}\), then \(f'(x)=2(-.5)x^{-1.5}=\frac{-1}{x^{1.5}}\)

Marginal Functions

The term ``marginal’’ is used to mean derivative.

EXAMPLE: Let TC be total cost and Q be the number of units produced. If \(TC(Q)= 50+10 Q^{3/2}\), then the marginal cost is \(MC(Q)=TC'(Q)=10(3/2) Q^{1/2}=15\sqrt{Q}\)

Note: Since the derivative of a function \(f(x)\) is given by

\[ f'(x)=\lim_{h\rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h},\]

if we choose \(h=1\), then we get an approximation

\[ f'(x) \approx f(x+1)-f(x).\]

Thus, marginal functions can be used to approximate the difference between the value of the original function at \(x+1\) and the value of the original function at \(x\).

For the total cost function, the derivative \(MC(Q)=TC'(Q)\) approximates the difference in total cost producing \(Q+1\) units and producing \(Q\) units. In other words, the marginal total cost approximates the the total cost to produce 1 more unit if the current production level is \(Q\).

Fixed Cost

The term ``fixed cost’’ means the cost incurred when \(Q=0\) units are produced.

EXAMPLE: Let \(TC(Q)=50+10 Q^{3/2}. \) Then the fixed cost is \(TC(0)=50.\)

Demand Function

A demand function \(P(Q)\) gives the price \(P\) per unit when selling \(Q\) units. The total revenue \(TR\) generated by selling \(Q\) units is therefore \(TR=Q \cdot P(Q).\)

Example 1. Find the total revenue \(TR\) and marginal revenue \(MR\) if the demand function is \(P=100-5\sqrt{Q}\).

Answer: \(TR=Q(100-5\sqrt{Q})=100Q - 5Q\sqrt{Q}=100Q-5Q(Q^{.5})=100Q-5Q^{1.5}\).


Example 2. Algebra might be needed to find the demand function \(P(Q)\).

If \(Q=\frac{10}{P^2}\), then \(P^2=\frac{10}{Q}\Rightarrow P=\frac{\sqrt{10}}{\sqrt{Q}}.\) The total revenue is therefore \(TR= Q\cdot P = Q (\frac{\sqrt{10}}{\sqrt{Q}}) = \sqrt{Q} \sqrt{10} = \sqrt{10}Q^{1/2}.\) It follows that the marginal revenue is \(MR=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{10}Q^{-1/2}= \frac{\sqrt{10}}{2\sqrt{Q}}\).

Average Cost

The average cost equals the total cost divided by number of units produced.

EXAMPLE. If the total cost is \(TC= 10Q^2+ 5Q+10,\) then the average cost is \(AC=\frac{TQ}{Q}=10Q + 5 + \frac{10}{Q}\)

Graphical Intersections

To find a point where the graph of \(f(x)\) intersects the graph of \(g(x)\), solve the equation \(f(x)=g(x).\) (For our applications we require that \(x\ge 0\))

EXAMPLE: Find where \(f(x)=2x^2\) and \(g(x)=3x+2\) intersect.

Solution. We must solve \(2x^2=3x+2\). That is \(2x^2-3x-2=0\). To solve \(ax^2+bx+c=0,\) we can use the quadratic formula \(x=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}.\) In our case,

\[ x=\frac{3\pm\sqrt{9+16}}{4}=\frac{3\pm 5}{4}=2\]

(We do not use the other root at \(x= -1/2\) since we require \(x\ge 0\)).

The \(y\)-coordinate of the intersection point with \(x=2\) is \(y=f(2)=2(2^2)=8\). Note that \(g(2)=3(2)+2=8\) so in fact, the graph of both \(f(x)\) and \(g(x)\) includes the point \((2,8)\)

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x = np.linspace(0,4,100)
f= 2*x**2  #first function
g=3*x+2 # second function
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))



  1. Consider the total cost function

\[ TC=.5 Q^3 - 3 Q^2+12Q+50. \]

Find and graph the average total cost \(ATC\) and the marginal cost \(MC\). Use the graph to determine where \(ATC=MQ\). Then show that \(ATC\) has a minimum value at the point of intersection. (That is, show that \(ATC'(Q)=0\) at the point of intersection).

  1. Repeat problem 1 using the total cost function

\[ TC(Q)=-10Q^3+128Q^2+3Q. \]

(In this case, the average total cost has a maximum rather than minimum value at the point of intersection.)

  1. The quotient rule says that

\[ \frac{d}{dx} \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} = \frac{g(x) f'(x)-f(x)g'(x)}{(g(x))^2}. \]

Use the quotient rule to prove that the average total cost must have a max or min at the point where it equals the marginal cost.