Solutions to Part I Exercises

4.4. Solutions to Part I Exercises#

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the data
data = pd.read_csv('census_income.csv')

Exercise 2.1

age workclass fnlwgt education education-num marital-status occupation relationship race sex capital-gain capital-loss hours-per-week native-country income
32556 27 Private 257302 Assoc-acdm 12 Married-civ-spouse Tech-support Wife White Female 0 0 38 United-States <=50K
32557 40 Private 154374 HS-grad 9 Married-civ-spouse Machine-op-inspct Husband White Male 0 0 40 United-States >50K
32558 58 Private 151910 HS-grad 9 Widowed Adm-clerical Unmarried White Female 0 0 40 United-States <=50K
32559 22 Private 201490 HS-grad 9 Never-married Adm-clerical Own-child White Male 0 0 20 United-States <=50K
32560 52 Self-emp-inc 287927 HS-grad 9 Married-civ-spouse Exec-managerial Wife White Female 15024 0 40 United-States >50K

Exercise 2.2: Answers will vary depending on what students hypothesize each variable to be.

Exercise 2.3:

#remove N/A rows
data = data.dropna()
age fnlwgt education-num capital-gain capital-loss hours-per-week
count 30162.000000 3.016200e+04 30162.000000 30162.000000 30162.000000 30162.000000
mean 38.437902 1.897938e+05 10.121312 1092.007858 88.372489 40.931238
std 13.134665 1.056530e+05 2.549995 7406.346497 404.298370 11.979984
min 17.000000 1.376900e+04 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
25% 28.000000 1.176272e+05 9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 40.000000
50% 37.000000 1.784250e+05 10.000000 0.000000 0.000000 40.000000
75% 47.000000 2.376285e+05 13.000000 0.000000 0.000000 45.000000
max 90.000000 1.484705e+06 16.000000 99999.000000 4356.000000 99.000000

Since we dropped a small proportion of rows, we should not see too many changes in the summary statistics.

Exercise 2.4:

#for the education column
#print out the categories in the column
#then the number of instances for each category
 HS-grad         9840
 Some-college    6678
 Bachelors       5044
 Masters         1627
 Assoc-voc       1307
 11th            1048
 Assoc-acdm      1008
 10th             820
 7th-8th          557
 Prof-school      542
 9th              455
 12th             377
 Doctorate        375
 5th-6th          288
 1st-4th          151
 Preschool         45
Name: education, dtype: int64

Exercise 2.5:

#function get_value_counts that takes in a variable name (string)
#and returns the value counts for that
def get_value_counts(var_name):
    return data[var_name].value_counts()

 Prof-specialty       4038
 Craft-repair         4030
 Exec-managerial      3992
 Adm-clerical         3721
 Sales                3584
 Other-service        3212
 Machine-op-inspct    1966
 Transport-moving     1572
 Handlers-cleaners    1350
 Farming-fishing       989
 Tech-support          912
 Protective-serv       644
 Priv-house-serv       143
 Armed-Forces            9
Name: occupation, dtype: int64

Exercises 3.1-3.4: Answers will vary depending on the chosen variable, but the code should follow the examples given in the section and the plots should be readable.

Exercise 3.5:

#split capital-gain by sex
m = data[data['sex'] == " Male"]['capital-gain']
f = data[data['sex'] == " Female"]['capital-gain']

#we are going to plot the histograms of the capital
#with a different color for each sex
plt.hist(m, bins=20, alpha=0.5, color='b')
plt.hist(f, bins=20, alpha=0.5, color='r')

Interpretation of this may vary. An example is that the difference seems to largely be due to one single outlier male with lots of capital gain.

Exercise 3.6: Answers may vary depending on the variables chosen but should follow the example code and the plotting above.

Exercise 3.7: No, the test shows us that there is a difference, but it does not tell us where that difference lies.

Exercise 3.8: Answers may vary depending on the variables chosen but should follow the example code.